Vaginal Discharge in Dogs: Pyometra

Vaginal Discharge in Dogs: Pyometra

Vaginal Discharge in Dogs or Pyometra is a uterine disease. Pyometra occurs most commonly in virgin female dogs that have not been pregnant. It is also seen in un-spayed cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, rats, and, rabbits. The problem can occur at any age but is usually seen in dogs who are 6 years of age or older.

It was once thought that the Pyometra was just a uterine infection.However the condition is now recognized as a hormonal abnormality with or without the presence of a secondary bacterial infection. It can be life-threatening if its treatment is not commenced in time.

What causes Vaginal discharge in dogs:

Pyometra commonly referred to as vaginal discharge in dogs is triggered by the heat cycle that doesn't end in egg fertilization. Dogs typically start showing signs of the disease within 2 to 4 months after the heat cycle. Either an excessive amount of progesterone or the uterus is hypersensitive to progesterone, is what causes Pyometra. Cysts develop in the lining of the uterus and release large amounts of fluid into the uterus. The accumulated fluid can certainly spark a secondary bacterial infection. The vaginal discharge in dogs can be a white or off white color with typical pungent smell.  

The weight of a normal uterus in an average-sized dog is just a few ounces. However in the case of Pyometra, the organ can weigh up to four pounds due to the accumulation of fluid and diseased tissue. The fluid accumulation in the uterus starts leaking out through the vagina. The dog's natural response is to lick the area to clean it up. Excessive licking can also introduce bacteria through the cervix and into the uterus.

Open and Closed Pyometra:

The body's response to his secondary infection is to increase more fluid production and more white blood cells in the uterus. These continue to flow to the vagina. This is called an open Pyometra. This is because the cervix is still open. It allows all of this fluid and accumulated debris to be flushed out through the vagina. At some point, the cervix closes and the fluid can no longer flow out of the uterus. In the meantime, the body continues to produce more and more fluid and white blood cells. Consequently, continued enlargement of the uterus occurs, which is called a closed Pyometra.

In this condition the cervix does not allow the accumulated material to exit the vagina. In the worst-case scenario of vaginal discharge in dogs the uterus can rupture which empties all of this contents into the abdominal cavity. When this happens the animal usually dies of septic peritonitis and/or acute renal (kidney) failure from uremic poisoning within about 48 hours even with aggressive medical intervention.

The goal is to catch this condition long before the animal dies. So identifying symptoms early on is a really important facet of treating this condition successfully.

Symptoms of Pyometra:

Symptoms of Pyometra may include lethargy, depression, fever, lack of appetite, vomiting, excessive thirst, frequent urination, and a bloated abdomen. Certainly, because the uterus is enlarged, a lot of vaginal discharge and excessive licking happens in the area. Also, weakness in the rear limbs is noticed due to the enlarged uterus.

Vaginal Discharge in Dogs: Pyometra

These symptoms of Pyometra will be noticed after a heat cycle. So if your female dog has recently concluded a heat cycle and you notice some of these symptoms you should seek care immediately. Pyometra is diagnosed with an examination of the cervix and vaginal discharge plus x-rays. Ultrasound is sometimes done to evaluate the size of the uterus and to rule out pregnancy. Toxicity can develop rapidly in a dog with Pyometra. So prompt treatment is really in a very important part of successful treatment especially if the cervix has closed.

Treatment of Pyometra:

The preferred traditional treatment for Pyometra is spaying. If the owner wants to breed the animal, other options are available but they present a higher risk to the dog. Intravenous (IV) fluids are usually administered for several days along with antibiotics to treat the potentially life-threatening infection. The uterus and the surrounding areas will be irrigated to flush away pus and fluids and speed healing. In the case of open Pyometra, prostaglandins are sometimes administered to control cell growth, regulate hormone production, and cause contraction of the uterus to help expel the accumulated fluid.


Pyometra is most commonly seen in middle-aged or older virgin female dogs who have never been bred. This is the one condition that can be prevented by spaying your dog. This is unlike breast cancer which has historically been touted as being an important reason to spay dogs.

For a dog owner, it is important to prevent any type of unplanned pregnancy. If you plan to breed your dog you should be an experienced, knowledgeable, ethical breeder. You should select for health first and foremost. But of course, your primary concern is the well-being of your dogs and of course above and beyond the litters that they could produce. This means prioritizing the health of the cycling female first before the desire to perpetuate a certain strain of DNA.

So all that to say it is strongly recommended to spay a dog with Pyometra. This is necessary to avoid additional Pyo's after this particular heat cycle concludes. So if you're like most pet owners who don't intend to ever breed their pet, have your dogs spayed at an early age i.e. around six months. You can also learn about surgical sterilization options and the risks and benefits associated with all of them. If you decide to spay your dog you are a responsible pet owner. You should wait until your dog is sexually mature and fully mentally and physically developed before doing this procedure. It can help protect your dog against many forms of cancers and endocrine diseases later on.

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