How Much to Feed a Golden Retriever Puppy

How Much to Feed a Golden Retriever Puppy

How much to feed a golden retriever puppy? This is probably the first question that comes up in the mind after you bring home your little friend. Are you planning to get a golden retriever puppy or brought home one recently? Golden retrievers are adorable and intelligent dogs with golden shiny fur which very well justifies their name. If you had dogs before then you already know how to raise a puppy. But, those pet lovers who are going to have their first dog needs to know how to tackle the innocence of your little friend.

So here are some points which I will try to cover in this article:

  • What should be the weight of 1 month Golden Retriever?
  • How much to feed a golden retriever puppy?
  • what diet should you give him?
  • What medicine should you give?
  • How to handle ticks?
  • When should you vaccinate him?
  • Should you bathe them?
  • When will they go for poop or pee?
  • How to do their Grooming.
  • How much do they sleep?
  • Pro Tips

I recently brought home a Golden Retriever puppy, whose name is Jimmy, so how I took care of my Jimmy (puppy), and in the course of raising it, I got information from the vet. It is very useful, so I thought that I should share this information with you which will be useful for all those people who are thinking of getting a Golden Retriever puppy or have just brought one. So let us know how to take care of a Golden Retriever puppy.

What should be the ideal weight of a 1-month-old golden retriever?

The weight of Golden Retriever Puppy varies. It depends on the quantity and quality of his diet. Therefore, 1 Month Golden Retriever puppy weight should be from 2 to 3 kg. From my experience, I can say that their weight increases quickly if you feed him with some supplement like canine starter mix along with the regular home food. My puppy was also underweight when my vet suggested a supplement. In a few weeks, the difference was visible.

How much to feed a golden retriever puppy?

You can give food only 3 to 4 times to Golden Retriever Puppy and also fix a time to feed him. For example, if you gave a meal at 7 in the morning then give another meal after 4 hours i.e. By 11 o'clock in the same way, you can give the third meal till 3 o'clock and the fourth meal by 7 o'clock. By more frequent feeding, the puppy's food craving is reduced, so do not make the habit of giving food at any time.

After knowing how much to feed a golden retriever puppy, next come the question, what to feed him? If your puppy doesn’t eat his food, you can give him Cerelac (wheat). Canin Starter Max can also be given. You can grind Royal Canin Starter Maxi because in this way the puppy can easily eat and digest the food. You can also mix it in yogurt, cottage cheese, buttermilk. If your puppy eats Royal Canin Starter Maxi Food without grinding, then give it like that only.

While feeding always remember that a healthy puppy is the one whose ribs you can feel. If you can see your puppy’s rib it means that he is malnourished. An ideal condition is when you can’t see the ribs beneath the skin but can feel it when touched.

Supplement and Medicines for Puppies

Supplement and Medicines for Puppies

It is very important to give vitamin and liver medicines to the Golden Retriever puppy. Also, you can give medicines for digestion and immunity because in a 1-month puppy the immune system is weak and digestion is not good because of the change in food habits. So for 1 to 2 months, they must be given digestive and immunity-boosting medicines. My puppy was given Tompcal for Vitamin and Tompliv for the Liver. Digyton Plus for Digestion and Immunol medicine by Himalaya for immunity. This medicine has to be given twice daily. Your vet may also prescribe OstoVet (for calcium) syrup and Vimeral syrup ( multivitamin). These medicines need to be mixed with food and given to the puppy.

Deworming of Golden Retriever Puppy

Deworming of Golden Retriever Puppy is very important. There are many types of worms in the stomach of the dogs and this is common for all dogs, so Vet asks to get your puppy’s  Deworming done in 15 days and then after 21 days. Therefore, you must have your dog's Deworming done periodically. Deworming is given to a puppy of 1-2 months in Liquid form. After the puppy completes 2 months it is given as a tablet.

 If Deworming of your puppy is not done on time, then you will see many symptoms in it like-

  • White Starch starts coming from Puppy's eyes.
  • The puppy will start to have a lot of hair fall.
  • The puppy will eat his potty.
  • He will go round and chew his tail.
  • The puppy will eat too much or eat too little.
  • The puppy will start to lose weight.

Veterinarians say that it is necessary to deworm any dog. Consult your vet for details.

Golden Retriever Puppy potty Training

Golden Retriever Puppy passes stools or pees at any place. But in 1 month you can find out when it needs to pee or poop. Puppies need to poop in the morning. They pee every time they wake up. Puppy poops only after 10-15 minutes of eating. There is no time for pee although.

Puppies may pee many times throughout the day but you can take him for a pee every 2 hours. Fix a place for excretions and always take your puppy at that place for pee or poop. Some vets also recommend poop spot marking spray. Wherever you spray, the puppy will poop there only. Whenever the puppy needs to poop, it starts moving in circles around a place. Always carry a paper whenever you take your puppy for defecation either inside the house or outside. It’s easy to dispose off later.

Grooming of Golden Retriever Puppy

Grooming of Golden Retriever Puppy is very important. If you do not pay attention to their daily grooming, then their fur will start falling. So it is very important to comb the puppy twice daily. Grooming and combing are as important as giving a good diet to the puppy. If proper care is not taken for the grooming then the loose fine hairs (fur) will be spread all over the house which will not only be a mess to deal with but may also be harmful to kids.

Tics are also a challenge in pups, due to which they start to get very itchy, so it is important that you also use Tick Comb. My pup was prescribed Himalaya's Erina-Ep Powder which was very useful and the ticks were finished within 2 weeks.

You have to use this powder only 2 times a week, on the puppy's coat. Also, use ticks comb with it, it removes ticks comfortably and easily. There is nothing to panic if your pup gets infected with ticks. Like human kids get lice sometimes dogs also get tics infection. Whenever you discover the first tick on your pup, start applying the powder from that day itself. Very soon the tics will vanish.  

Golden Retriever Puppy Sleeping pattern

How Much to Feed a Golden Retriever Puppy

Golden Retriever Puppy when they are young, spends at least 22 hours of sleep. They are required to sleep for a few hours when they are tired of playing. They like to play a lot after a meal and very much active. Soon after this, they doze off. If not disturbed then they spend 2-3 hours sleeping. It improves their health as much as they sleep.

Golden Retriever Puppy Dry Bath

How Much to Feed a Golden Retriever Puppy

Golden Retriever Puppy should not be bathed for 3 months. You can clean him with dry bath shampoo. You have to give a dry bath only 2 times in a week. Puppy's body has to be lightly sprayed taking care not to go into the eyes. If your puppy gets wet by mistake, then immediately dry it with a dryer or else it can get sick, may stink, or may develop ticks. Be careful to save it from water and do not even take it outside the park for 3 months.

Vaccination schedule for Golden Retriever pup

Vaccination is as important to your pup as it is for your kid. Dogs are susceptible to many life-threatening diseases which can infect at any stage of their life. Hence maintaining a proper vaccination schedule is very important for keeping a dog healthy throughout its life. Talk to your veterinarian for the complete vaccination of your pet. Here is a generally accepted vaccination schedule for your puppy.

    Pro Tips:

  1. Chocolates are like poison for your dog.
  2. If your pet is a bitch be sure to breed it at least once or spay it at a younger age to eliminate the chances of pyometra.
  3. Dogs are carnivorous by nature. Try to feed him nonveg at least once a week if you can (unless you are hardcore vegan)
  4. Exercise like running and playing is a must for large breeds. If you are living in a flat, it’s a good idea to go for a pomeranian or pug rather than a German shepherd.
  5. If your golden retriever develops a bad breadth, it may be due to a weak liver. Consult your Vet. 
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